I cant start to play cuz nothings works.
Can someone helpme?
Sup everyone, I hope you're all doing well.
I haven't played RedStone for a few years. I actually tried to get back into it in 2022 or 2023, but RS today just isn't the same as it was in the old days. I've already sent a few tickets to the GMs asking about the possibility of an old-school server, and now I'm opening this discussion here on the forums.
I truly believe that an old-school server (maybe a version before T Sets) could save this game. So, I’d like to ask both the players who are still active and those who would love to return to join me in putting some pressure on the game’s admin staff. If enough of us show interest, maybe they'll realize that there's a real demand for RS Old-School.
What do you guys think?
I had to reinstall the game but it won't patch now. getting the error i posted. anyone know how to fix?
Yestoday,my BM lv up to 1125 lv.and i got the quest 1125 lv .do and finish it.i got the ring 2nd.1/2know 30%move speed.+5 skill. But, when i finish this quest.i will use my Summoner take this quest too.for the ring 3th on summoner.It not wrok!!! I cant take this quest start ,npc dont give me quest!!!Why???? I finish 2star quest .cant got the 3th quest! I wanna got it finish and give me the 3th ring .it +7 skill and magic of pet +10% GM,help me check it please, any bug on it?
This game was good in the past, today no longer because of whoever takes care of the game let the game die! The only ones who play the game are those who have been playing for many years and they are very few, compared to the number of people there were years ago, there were many people in low level areas, today there is no one in weak areas, no low level and no high levels, the high levels are only in high areas nowadays, there are no more plvls, there are no more groups to level up like in the past, everything changed after so many companies that took care of red stone closed their servers , they were losing people and audiences in the game. Many people no longer play because they lost their characters due to the company not providing proper support, and they still don't support anything in the game, old players and even the developers don't give a shit about those who play the game, they don't respond to forums of new people wanting to play and learn and they don't even respond to emails about support issues. The game was forgotten a long time ago, an empty game without people, the only ones who are in the game are because they are old from home, but they also only stay in the city selling items, there is no longer that big audience sending messages in the chat, no there is no more of that and there is no more chat, there is no more life in Red Stone. I leave here my sincere and true opinion about the current state of the game!
My character is stuck running, with delay, I saw that many people are having this same problem, what should I do? help me please!!
I play with delays in the race, I constantly run and crash outside the city, is there any method to solve this problem? How do I solve it? I saw many people with this same problem! Please help me!!
i got banned becoz of my dota2 chests chargeback?
hello, i need help with those quests
where i can find fresh flower? and how i can cpmplete collin's lesson quest?
I think that they need to add a bank only accessible by each char, So a character bank and an account bank, that way you can store things that are not tradable, i have 1 page of inventory and its more then half full of things i cant trade/ wont be able to use for a long while and it is rather annoying...
Hello everyone!
I just got stuck on the summoner master skill quest where I need to find the NPC Bukee on Hanhi Mountains/Near Dorem river. Does anyone know where this guy is?
PS: No "Once You Play God" answer please XD
Hello All,
I was trying to do the skill master quest for my character Captain and I am not able to start the quest.
I have 2 skills maxed out at lvl 50. I have Alchemy lvl 1. I do no see the skill master title in my title list.
Is there some other pre-requisite?
Is this a bug? Do I need to delete my character and restart again?
Hi, guys
This is why immortal now
Logged into game after many years. Opened my pets with Tamer and they just dissapeared, whats up with that? Cant tamer have pets anymore? Cant find Brainwash also to obtain new ones aswell.
Buenas, alguna guild o gente para jugar en español? Saludos