hello, sorry missed some things from last post...
making gold (best ways): account tutorial questing till delan quest #53 for x3 raid crystal bankable (find someone you really trust...going to say 15b at least...), is easy do with spiritualist mostly rsp hunting (these still go for 1b-2b each.. well the main quest reward they much same thing anyways..) plvling (not much needed anymore but will say 1-15 gold bars each hour is probably the going rate now, is not needed to much now because of the tutorial quest :)), only if prefer get higher lvl endgame... account adventurer reporting (can do this as service, prob 1b-3b every hour maybe less though..) account main questing s1 (going to sayy around 1b-9b every hour depending on the chapter...). account main questing s2 (going to say 6b-15b every hour depending on chapter..) prefix boxes from guild weekly quests (if have lots of alts in guild can easily get 200m-300m every week as long as collect blue boxes, is by chance but prefix boxes is given at high rate from them...) peppermint glass bottles (these go for 10m-20m each now save them for update :)).. mysterious bellows (around 1.5b-3b is going rate i guess for now..) flame stones (around 200m-400m each now :)). complete mysterious stones (10m each??) complete tantilus relics (5m each??) sd bags (10m-20m each now) unique costumes (5-20 gold bar each costume depending on class, can get them by opening sd bags by chance, only costs 20p to be able sell them..). crystal stones (these make collecting rsp pieces faster if to lazy hunt them and also used for upgrading ew to 10, the current price now is 10m-20m thouhg, just putting it out there..). umu equipment (going say 15b+ each going for now, it depends on the demand of that actual umu, still very challenging get them, recommend sharing with friend to find it because is to expensive trying make luck char urself especially and op one, if your that rich go for it ;p, wont stop you...). account questing (these are mostly basic but will say 1-5 gold bars each quest ;p or several of them at time... i.e. map maker lvl 6-8 (the hard one..). account limit break questing (going to say at 1 gold bar every 5 origins maybe higher or lower but i think thats a good rate to complete limit break quest for someone... unsure though..). multi guild pnt farming (needs 3 computers at least and login to x8 chars at time, could do as group but dont recommend it... doing it urself is better than depending on someone else... most times at least... anyways will say 6b+ for this, you could probably get alot of prefix boxes from this service without much effort why listed at that price :)). multi gsd farming (use rt+ chars to get cosmic stone every 2nd day on rt+ attendance event, get grow portal sphere on main char or cosmic stone so can run any gsd regardless of lvl and farming mysterious stones/tantilus relics/jars/crystal stones, gsd b2+ is recommend for odd jars though, gsd b6+ for crystal stones by doing npc quest, gsd b9 for chance of ew 7 or lower (random class, drops from last boss but is short, only can do every weekend though..). gsd b8 for the easiest and most profitable one farm many mysterious stones/tantilus relics/odd jars from. also all gsd give nephon cocooon now sort of useful but yea... multi sd bag farming (just do tutorial quest and get x8 alts to lvl 100 easily... than buy sd keys from john malcolm and doing sd either daily or every sunday for tradable sd bags.. the best sd to do is oat sd which is lvl 100-150, waterway sd 1-100 gives untradable sd bags so sucks for sd bag farming...) account event farming (find someone trust.. this is really useful... going say 1-3 gold bar each hour probably... the low price is probably because they have trust u with their op char, maybe could give seller drops as well :)... just sometimes get untradable items from event and is hassel try sell it yourself as service if anyone even wants it... or use it urself..) event box/item farming (this only if they tradable, but can sell it for gold dont know price but just putting it out there..) event services (this is for event items get that are untradable, could offer someone service at lower price than original value of service maybe someone interested ;p..). bf enchanting service (this goes for 1-2 gold bar now... is kind of hard find someone trust though..). eccentric jar events hosted by players/GM (should really go to these, can make lots of gold with flame stones, cannable flare grinding material, flammable flare, well those are the main things that sell for alot, wont say more on it :)... sharing accounts (going say going rate is 3b-6b for a lvl 300+ char, pricing depends on if you like their charname, balanced recently, usefulness after balance for their preferred playstyle, this isnt really offered much in market but thought I would mention it :)... raid carrying (sometimes people ask for this but yea... going say 1-5 gold bar each alt... people need for doing adventurer report questline and dont mind paying for convenience if your going offer this at least offer it on monday/tuesday when many arent thinking of going... ty :)... making ebooks (well it could be anything really... but there is still alot of demand for information now for classes, specific things even with the balance patch... is not wrong charge for information for some stupid people out there.. it takes alot of work make a book especially a detailed one... if I can tell you where hunt and the best places hunt umu for your class would you pay? unless you want spend 4 months figuring it out urself ur better off paying to get ahead in item hunting, is pretty damn competitive now... already like 10 umu's in market and thats without any x2 drop event... if there was would probably be more... I mean if you want get involved in drama/deal with random people ksing you in high lvl maps than dont pay for it... and for all of you complaining about $ is stupid... I dont mind if some want a deal thats ok, but when they think they dont have pay $1 for anything or want to thats when I get mad, if you want be a lazy fuck just leave this community, I dont give a shit about you, the community will probably hate you for being so cheap like that... find work or develop your skills really... you aint even part of the target market for me/LnK/or even the fake community at all :)... but really is very easy sell ebooks, some people are so dishonest buying information though... but yea... theres alot of help make it easier sell through companies, dont feel like say more on this... limited points item (going say some new things worth saving up $ for... but from our recent updates/intel going say the best things save up for is 1 + 1 minipet event, umu boxes (payton's secret kit, tradable both the boxes and the random umu box you can get from it at low chance), longing heat boxes (these are tradable and can give gold prefix scroll 100% chance, sort of better than normal prefix but dont think to worth for that..), new boxes that may have anvil of heaven, magic glue, mirror book, artiface of great merchant, mq items mostly... could probably sell as service if untradable or use on your own items... event services (these are only for items untradable... if tradable than dont have worry but is usually 1/4 or 1/2 of original item value depending on how much ppl willing give for it and if they even want trade with you in the first place...) bf sd carry (not sure on the pricing but i think is ok say 1 gold bar each person/sd carry... better have someone do it on sunday if can though... the pricing is pretty fair since most umu's cost 30b+ at least now in market... it could be cheaper though if someone wanted it... price could be cheaper if they actually help in sd to like priest or even no cost if they work together effectively on it, not talking about 1 person doing all work and other just afk and be lazy... lol. mysterious box [p] (these sort of give good items but they mostly for endgame, it was changed just recently and gives anvil of heaven, magic glue now, also mysterious bellows [s], those are the high priced items but they are low chance get even if cost cheap... I think would have spend at least $50 to profit in gold with it though :)...). cocoons [p] (these are tradable, people usually dont buy them unless they dont got time, but is hassel going for fantasy/legendary pet and yea.. could get pebble cocoon from gsd but doing it that way sort of slow, well these are for heavy spender i guess... they go for 2-3 gold bar now i think...) reflecting shards [p] (the best pets to sell are fantasy/dark/light these go for light = 1b-2b, dark = 2b-3b, fantasy = 1.5b-2.5b. well maybe more demand for some pets now due to update unsure of that... anyways get deep pocket to be able to sell them, would recommend saving up and waiting for 1 + 1 minipet event so can get 50% off minipets but if you need gold now and heavy spender just buy some reflecting shards and hope you get lucky :), another tip is do delan's quest on your alts for x3 reflecting shards, could get x3 more reflecting shards for x6 total though and sell minipets you get from quest, saves little $ from having buy reflecting shards and would just need buy deep pockets only :). limited costume sales (these are really good for making gold... they sell for 2b-3b now at least... is lower price now though since people are less willing spend lots gold on costumes, wait next gold event to maybe sell for more gold, unsure of that but yea...). sd gold farming [p] (basically would need the secret dungeon companion badge and take alts through lower lvl sd, i think still gives gold just no item/sd bag... cant be to sure of that... doing this can easily get 10m/5 minutes doing dark elf sd or even big mouse sd.. well still unsure but thought would mention it ;p..) gold farming (this is standard but yea thought would include it some say they can make 10m-20m/hr at def hills... otheres say 50m-100m at higher lvl maps, it depends on movespeed/attack speed/damage/range/etc. is hard be good at this so wont say much on it, all I can say is good luck if decide do it...). crests (ill say approximate prices first low-grade = 1-2 gold bars, mid-grade = 2-3 gold bars, high-grade = 5-10 gold bars, highest grade = 1b-2b. these are just estimated prices for the junk ones though... can obtain from destroying unique costumes (dont recommend), magic stone sealing boxes (they changed it after update i think... now always gives high-grade and most times perfect stat crests to... guess they changed value on crests to...). limited point item, bright stone box (average limited time box) and some other good one which has decent chance give highest grade crests. also some events give them to, this is sort of in demand so ill mention it anyways ;p.). character nurture package (going say these sell for 5b-10b each, so buy them while can... better use them i think maybe.. but yea..). rings (they sell for 1b-10b depending on type of ring, can be gotten from chrono jewel box, limited box items, mq s2 reward at low chance (gives nephon ring which sells for 5b-10b..,), rings from exchange event, rings from exchanging with gran npc in guild hall, rings from drop box event, I dont know approximate pricing of rings but lifesteal is very good and sell for alot, some rebirth rings sell for alot, maybe skill + rings maybe worth alot but i dont think so now ;p...). afk eventgs (can make 30b-100b from the gold jar event, we have it every year somewhere around october-december and lasts for a month... had it 2 times already, also happy new year event for prefix boxes but they may not give as much gold now as before going say 100m-300m each box though... price is lower because can get them from doing guild weekly quests, well sort of I still think price would be high though..). prefix service (this is usually charge 1-5 gold bar fail and 10-25 gold bar if succeed, depends on the buyer though and if they really trust you or not though, I think is not worth doing to stressful and have deal with to much bs from people, if it fails many times maybe falsely accused... I mean if you livestream youtube wouldnt be problem selling this service even if many faile.. ;p. just a tip though.). making ew 10's (this is really hard and i think pricing for it would be 30b-40b p;robably or $100-$150, many fail spending $70 trying make it... just make one for pouplar/in demand classes though and prefix it like crazy, prefixed ew sells for more, could wait for update so easier to upgrade them though..). nx rerolling/opening service (this is from few limited boxes but yea... this is mostly end game though and we dont have that many hardcore players yet, for now will just put it out there :))... endgame lvling service (this is mostly done thru pt bosses lvl 860 with best kill speed/spot calling possible, just more attractive calling it this instead of the other term..). jar party slots (this is mostly for all those 1st-3rd rb leechers out there :), prob charge 1-2 gold bars each jars and thats using 5-10 odd jars only though ;p..). taming service (many want/need this but arent willing pay, tamers are cheap as hell this server, well if you dont spend a dime on your char dont expect get good drops within a short time just saying... tamer isnt that great for item hunting though due to balance patch, think spiritualislt best now..). guild member recruitment (another important thing I feel, maybe 1b-3b per successful member depends if they willing spend like crazy, hardcore pvp or pvmer... I know few new players that wouldnt hesistate spend $1000/month on this game well it was alot maybe $200/month at most... they probably exagerrated with me ;p.. if they do it on social media/email marketing or through other forms it would be worth more those things arent cheap... It would really help game though if this service was more available.. guess our community doesnt know of it yet..). other skills (im talking about graphic design, coding, virtual assistant, marketing, sales, writing, music, audio, video creation, content creation, advising for best playsytle for player (I know many that quit becdause not know how build their char... if there was service even for $1-$5 im sure ppl would buy and stay game long term..). etc. trying make a community where can at least work for gold/$ without worrying about real world to much... this isnt the real world is a community.. not restricted by countries laws etc... hopefully more demand for these services, is kind of important to games future to I feel...). teaching language (well this is sort of useful here, would say probably 1-10 gold bar each hour maybe... can avoid trade drama if learn new language and be part of another community so is worth it... can be through videos indirectly or directly, if teaching someone directly charge more for it please, better if you stay in business long term :)...). afk plvling service (this can be done with summoner or alchemist, with alchemist dont need spot call to other map but with summoner you would, I would charge 1-5 gold bar each hour depending on how much dmg does and how much luck do, I mean not many have time help but indirect afk help would really help this community... would encourage more to return game, I dont like doing free to much and feel is not needed much at this point but can if you want as form of promotional not all the time, it seriously kills competition for the hardcore pvm'er, pvp'er, and even item hunter... most ppl that want free plvl end up sucking and quitting in less than a week anyways lol... keep begging wont get you anywhere... just saying..).