hello, just would like write on this, now is possible do x14 sd/gsd runs on sunday if can wait that only otherwise is just 2 sd/gsd daily but it adds up next day if skip a day :), now is possible complete main quest in 2 days or more because of this :D.
enjoy ^^.
hello, just t hought would provide more information on this past points item.. gives these items in order: 1. transcendental scrolls (chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, once you complete chapter 4 you willl already be at the part where it creates redstone immediately... so if want rush adventurer reports this woul;d be good to buy...). 2.) premium costume based on class opened on. 3.) title scrolls that immediatelyy give you a lvl 5 title for these following titles (bank customer, porter, i think last was businessman, even if that isnt the case they should add that title instead of the other one...). aw it was map maker title which is good to i guess... think businessman would maybe be better but yea...
enjoy :).
hello, just thought would write more on this.. it lets you combine 2 crests of same grade for chance of getting same or higher grade crest. example below
1 high grade crest + 1 high grade crest = new high grade crest with small chance of getting highest grade 1 highest grade crest + 1 highest grade crest = new highest grade crest (more of reroll option since cannot upgrade past highest grade crest, the ultimate crests are from a different limited box) 1 ultimate grade crest + 1 ultimate grade crest = new ultimate grade crest (more of reroll option since cannot upgrade past ultimategrade crest, think this is the highestt can mix but a better crest would be the dual crests i think not sure, those cant make from crest mix box though... :(...)
hello, just thought would mention this, is ppretty nice good way to meet new players, although the time you can register is pretty late.. most likely you will run into thai's daily unless you go on weekend then maybe get some eu/us people there and others ;p..
hello, think i got the right number, minipet given in two instances, first time give x3 reflection shard, 2nd time give x3 reflecting shard, anyways enjoy :).
hello, just thought would let you know on this, yup is true and doing it is quick to... getting sphere isnt so difficult but the other requires party for gsd/sd so yea can be hard... think is bugged on minipet part though, will still get the minipet but cannot go further...
hello, just thought would like clarify this, yes is true but is alot of work, maybe better pay someone do quests for you heh... preferably someone you trust... sharing on a archer/lancer wouldnt be much of a risk though... just provide the premium shop items for more damage ;p, also main quest season 2 gives extra stats.. just a safer way do business u dont even need items on char now for it to be op...
hello, just thought would mention this.. anyways to get the boxes would have join a guild that does lots of gsd/guild daily quests weekly with their alts or guild members... but it also helps if you try do guild daily quests daily to get more points for the guild and gsd x14 times every sunday if can to help get even more points for guild. also would help if show up to guild war to, (needs minimum 10 total members to get reward). the chance to get them is 25-50% mostly, im not sure when these things really resset though...
enjoy :).
hello, just thoguht would mention this.. the thing is the update made spiritualist class alot stronger so is much easier drop umu's now since dropping good items not only depends on your luck but how fast you do damaage to mob as well as how much, just how the game is... theres a bunch though... everyone is hunting them like crazy i think even without x2 drop event... i think if join our discord can trade for it... well just thought would write on that, is getting better though before there was like 0 umu's in market and now not even 1 month theres like prob 3+....
enjoy :D.
helllo, just thought would provide this. 1. balancing for necromancer/angel/princess/spiritualist/summoner (they alot stronger now and easy play now, being a free to play player using those classes wont be hard really...) 2. guild flag/guild cooperation/guild points system in place, do x14 gsd entrance runs every sunday with guild members or alts to get lots of points for guild 3, sd/gsd rollover in effect can now do x14 sd-gsd on sunday if wait long enough :) 4. tutorials npc delan/darlene added that give most rewards from points shop :) 5. delans quest being able to give x6 at #44 and x3 raid crystals at #55 6. stage 2 guild cooperation boxes (blue box) being able to give prefix boxes at a fair chance (25-50%). 7. being able to cancel ariels quest before starting 1st rebirth quest, 1st rebirth quests changed so is quicker to do, not sure on other rebirth quests. 8. pvp system added and only available 19:00 ~ 23:00 every day. 9. more tset bosses available on map (x3 spawns now instead of x1) 10. elite pets re spawning at a faster rate now. 11. mission book system for increase character stats 12. new mirror fields for pt bosses lvl 760, 810, 860 13. guild flag providing useful buffs based on skill you put for guild, the main ones are (DX unique drop %, item drop %, unique drop %, movement speed %, but you can check out the other ones to if want..
limited offers:: 1. main quest package now available (allows for completion of main quest chapters 1-4 immediately...). if doing ar you wont need worry about collecting redstone for quest since is already provided. just make sure you get the quest first from adventurer report season 1. 2. police costume officer package added, gives police costume (Based on class, goes on char directly) and x3 crest mix boxes as well as x3 magic stone sealing boxes (random chance give mid-high grade boxes, and even more random after that... lol.)
hello, to put it simply F5 than target another character that doesnt have reject community on :),
hope this helps, will write if still need help...
hello, just press esc key while ingame, if that doesnt work is the option ogp launcher -> option -> resolution.
hope it helps sorry for the delay...
I sorta rushed through quests. I tried everything I could think of but I couldn't figure out how to make a party. Help a returning level 55 werewolf out, please. T^T
In the characters list, can move position?
because my main character is 3rd, always choice login character everytime >.<' , can add function(move character position) on the characters list, thx ~
mad at me cause i can finally afford to provide my family with crystals/orgins