Here are the details for our Limited Sale for Red Stone Burn and Earn event.
[Duration] 2018/09/06 00:00 ~ 2018/10/10 22:00 (In-game time) *Burn and Earn Event Durational Costume -Event Costume Box will be removed on October 10th 22:00 (In-game time) -Event Costume can be used for 30 days starting from the time when user opens the box. -Event Costume provides Halloween Costume design. -Event Costume provides All Stat +200, EXP gain +50% -Event Costume Box[Power] has 5 physical magic stone set in costume. -Event Costume Box[Knowledge] has 5 magical magic stone set in costume. Event Costume Box[Power] Magic Stone Physical aggressive power increase +35% x2 Strength +75 Evasion +4% x2 Event Costume Box[Knowledge] Magic Stone Magic fatal blow percentage +4% x2 Knowledge +75 Evasion +4% x2