News News




      [Patch Note] New Character - Cannoneer




      Hello Adventurer! We are glad that we can present patch note on Cannoneer
      For more details, please check out below

      1. New Quest

      2. Cannoneer Base Stats

      [Cannoneer-Demise Monger Awakening Skills]




      [Cannoneer-Solitary Force Awakening Skills]

      [Cannoneer-Siege Blossom Awakening Skills]

      [Cannoneer- Normal Skills]

      [Cannoneer Transcendence Skill, Vision Book]

      [Cannoneer Equipment Information]

      - Normal Weapon

      Normal Unique Item

      800 DX Unique Item

      775 ULT Unique Item

      1000 ULT Unique Item


      1250 ULT Unique Item


      PVP Specialized Equipment (DX)

      PVP Specialized Equipment (ULT)


      [Suppoort Weapon]


      DX Unique

      Arcana, Deep Green


      Special Equipment

      Gold Ticket

      Boost Growth Support Equipment

      First-Step Companion Equipment

      Guild War Rental Equipment

      Eternal Equipment

      [Specialized Armor]

      DX Unique

      ULT Unique

      Set Item

      [Skill Master Quest]



      Please be Advised
      Thank you
      Red Stone Team