Balance Patch Character Skill Reset 1. Duration 2019/03/13 after maintenance ~ 2019/03/27 before maintenance 2. Details - Spiritualist/Champion, Summoner/Tamer, Princess/Little Witch, Fallen Angel/Priest, Necromancer/Demon characters can reset thier stat points and skill points ONCE during event period. - Stat&Skill points can be reset from NPC Obilina located next to NPC Event Helper in High Brunenstig (83, 122) Red Stone Let’s Do It! Candy Maker! 1. Duration 2019/03/13 after maintenance ~ 2019/04/10 before maintenance 2. Details - Players can occasionally obtain “Colorless Star Candy” when hunting monsters with +-100 level difference. - Players can rarely obtain “Rainbow Star Candy” when obtaining “Colorless Star Candy”. - “Colorless Star Candy” can be exchanged with colored lollipops from NPC Kuger in High Brunenstig(99 ,115). - Players can randomly obtain 1 out of the items listed below when returning the “Colorless Star Candy”. - Chance of obtaining “Sparkling Star Candy Box” increases if you have “Rainbow Star Candy” in your inventory.
Red Stone Thump Heart Pounding Party Play 1. Duration 2019/03/13 after maintenance ~ 2019/04/10 before maintenance 2. Details - Once a day, Players can obtain “Thump Heart Pounding Prism” from NPC Kuger in High Brunenstig(99 ,115). - “Thump Heart Pounding Prism” percentage increases when player forms a party with others and hunts monsters in the same field. - Players can obtain 1 “Thump Heart Pounding Box” and 5~8 “Sweet Marshmallow” after increasing the percentage to 100% and returning it to Kuger. - "Thump Heart Pounding Box" provides 1 random item from list shown below. - “Sweet Marshmallow” can be used to purchase items from Kuger’s “White Day Market” - “Thump Heart Pounding Prism” can be obtained once per day. - Party play EXP gain rate is increased by 100%
Red Stone Candy Maker Equipment Rental Event 1. Duration 2019/03/13 after maintenance ~ 2019/04/10 before maintenance 2. Details - Equipments listed below are available for rental from NPC Balloon Merchant(96, 113) in High Brunenstig. ![h5206320190314033635.JPG](